Duke of Sussex



We have a wide range of real ales from a variety of sources that we offer. You will find that we change our range frequently and you will be able to keep track of it all here.


Pentrich Brewing Co - Shoot The Servant Pentrich Brewing Co - Soma
Pentrich Brewing Co - Shoot The Servant

Pentrich Brewing Co - Shoot The Servant


abv: 3.8%

Brown & Bitter

A malt driven 3.8% dark bitter with flavours of toasted caramel & subtle chocolate. English hops add blackcurrant aromas & understated spicy character to complement the malt flavours..

Brewery Website



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Pentrich Brewing Co - Soma

Pentrich Brewing Co - Soma


abv: 4.0%

Golden & Fruity

A hoppy 4.0% pale ale, golden in colour with vibrant citrus & stone fruit flavours coming from a blend of german hops.

Brewery Website



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Flying Dog Easy IPAFlying Dog Snake DogElectric Bear NZ PaleElectric Bear Above CloudsGoose Island IPABrooklyn LagerBrooklyn East IPAYellowbelly Citra IPAFlying Dog Easy IPAFlying Dog Snake DogElectric Bear NZ PaleElectric Bear Above CloudsGoose Island IPABrooklyn LagerBrooklyn East IPAYellowbelly Citra IPA
Available Now
Pentrich Brewing Co - SomaPentrich Brewing Co - Shoot The ServantPentrich Brewing Co - SomaPentrich Brewing Co - Shoot The Servant

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 15 Maisies Way, South Normanton, Alfreton, Derbyshire. DE55 2DS. Registered Company Number 10497382